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Achieving Productivity By Living in Your Values

Values are an individual’s personal beliefs or standards of behavior. When values are used as guiding principles, they help shape decisions and set meaningful priorities: two things that are key to productivity. Being productive isn’t just about getting more work done, or working more efficiently. It is about living a life that you are proud of, with the right attention in the right places—whatever that looks like to you.


I didn’t always operate with this mindset. There was a time when studio life began to take over everything. Decisions were challenging, days were scattered, and my attention was unfocused. Although my studio had been successful from day one, that outcome was the result of circumstance more than intention. Our mission was often lost or forgotten in all the busyness. And, worst of all, I lost track of who I was outside of studio ownership. I forgot what was truly important to me and often spent much more time with other peoples’ families than I did with my own. It regularly seemed that there wasn’t enough time, there was always more to do, and that the job was never complete. I felt “productive” but really I was just “busy.”


As my children got older and I moved into a more seasoned chapter of my studio owner adventure, I felt a strong urge to turn to my values. In fact, the first value listed on my studio website was “family first,” yet my own family wasn’t getting the best of me. I wanted to reconnect both with them and with the joy I originally found in studio ownership. I wanted to live in the rewards of owning a business, to stay true to this great responsibility yet find a way to more freedom and flexibility. I made a commitment to myself and a silent promise to my family that I would shift from “busy” to truly “productive.” And I would do that by honing in on my values.


I am certain that most, if not all, studio owners have felt this desire to shift focus—to get real about what it means to be productive—at least once in their career. The pursuit of productivity is a common goal, yet it can seem elusive. Productivity can only really happen once you’ve made the commitment to be guided by your values. That commitment gives you:


  • A clear purpose. Every task becomes a meaningful step towards a more fulfilling life.
  • Intrinsic motivation. This power becomes essential when you’re faced with distractions or challenges. 
  • Peaceful decision-making. Choices become intuitive and less draining.
  • Increased resilience. Challenges are easier to navigate and it’s easier to see what’s beyond your control. 
  • More time. OK, so you don’t actually create more time! But you are able to make the most out of the time you have by prioritizing the activities that align with your values.


I don’t want you to take years to figure this out like I did. Instead, I’ve shortened the path for you with these five steps as your guide to achieving true productivity:

  1. Identify your values. Take time to think about this. What is most important to you? Family, faith, trust, honesty, integrity, courage, generosity–these are just a sampling of values you could choose from. Try selecting just a few that mean the most to you.
  2. Evaluate goals. Ask yourself if your goals align with your values. You may realize this is why some goals seem to fizzle; they just don’t fit. Adjust your goals if needed.
  3. Prioritize tasks. Look at how you spend a typical day. Are those tasks leading you to where you want to be? Is each task a meaningful step forward? Are there tasks you need to move off your plate? (This is where you can become proficient in delegating, setting boundaries, and saying no.) 
  4. Walk the walk. Infuse every day with your values: The way you start your morning, the way you interact with others, the people you interact with, how you wind down in the evening.
  5. Reflect often. Read back through these steps as a guide, and don’t worry if you get off track. Make adjustments. Remember that you are building a life that brings fulfillment!


As you step ahead into the next chapter of your studio owner adventure, I encourage you to live with intention and feel the power of your values in action. Living life through your values will bring you not just more productivity, but more satisfaction and fulfillment.

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