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How’s Your Productivity?

Your success often parallels your productivity—but not all productivity is created equal! Sometimes what feels “productive” is really just “busy.” True productivity is rooted in spending focused time in your zone of genius, otherwise known as your sweet spot. For some studio owners, this is choreography and classroom work. For others it is creating new programs and marketing them, or building spreadsheets of financial plans. 

While all areas of your business need attention, the best use of your time is in the area that gives you joy and satisfaction. With that in mind, how can you better focus your time on what actually makes you more productive—and more successful? 

Check in with yourself in these five areas:

  1. Delegation. Ensure the other areas of your business are well-tended, such as hiring rockstar teachers or a monthly bookkeeping service. Equip your employees to make confident decisions and take on assigned tasks with enthusiasm. They also need permission to work in their zones of genius!
  2. Automation. Systems streamline regular tasks and compress the time required for completion. Automate the predictable tasks, such as email or social media marketing, trial classes, registration, and more to free up your workflow.
  3. Organization. Prioritize tasks and use a calendar that works for your lifestyle. What works for someone else might not be a good fit for you! Don’t let clutter—on your desk or in your mind—get in the way of your work.
  4. Procrastination. Resist the urge to put off important or difficult tasks. Handle them first, in the early part of the day if possible, and feel the freedom to focus attention back into your sweet spot.
  5. Distraction. Learn what works to focus your workflow. Is it shutting your office door for a specific window of time? Answering emails only in the afternoon? Dedicating uninterrupted family time three evenings a week? Commit to limiting distractions by taking control of your time.

Get proactive with your productivity and there’s no limit to your success!


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