
The premier event to train your teachers

The premier event to train your teachers

Genre-Specific Breakout sessions

Learn from master teachers in the genres of tap, ballet, hip-hop, jazz, and musical theater

Healthy Competition

Create a culture of support and camaraderie within your dance team before they hit the competition stage

Tough Conversations

Empower yourself with the skills to effectively communicate and mentor the next generation of dancers

Training for Optimal Performance

Explore how early specialization, cross-training, natural play, and relative rest affect young dancers’ development

Welcoming Classrooms

Understand the why and how of creating environments that allow students to thrive


Discover how to seamlessly integrate playful, engaging, and effective teaching methods into your curriculum



MTJGD Teacher Training™

$499 for your entire studio!

MTJGD Teacher Training™

$499 for your entire studio!

Learn from the industry's Top dance professionals!

Learn from the industry's top dance professionals!

MTJGD Teacher Training™ faculty have taught for and been featured at the Dance Teacher Web, Dance Teacher Summit, Dance Teacher Expo, Hollywood Connection, DanceLife Teacher Conference, Dance Teacher Magazine, Dance Spirit Magazine, Dance Revolution, Toronto Dance Teacher Expo, INSight Magazine™, Studio Owner University®, Dance Business Weekly, Dance Safe Canadian Council, and more!

Thank you to our sponsor, Akada Dance Software!

Since 1994, Akada has been providing dance studios with the tools they need to manage their studios. Their mission is to get you out of the office and back where you want to be —the classroom. Click here to learn more! 

Marty 1
"Teacher Training has made me feel empowered as a leader to make smart decisions that lead to positive, long lasting results. I have enjoyed collaborating with other teachers, knowing we face similar issues and victories and gaining knowledge in how to teach and lead better."
Heather Rivera
Dance Teacher
Tracey Wozny
"This event is the perfect balance of curriculum, leadership and tactical resources to set up our teachers for the new season. This is such a valuable resource for all of our teachers because it allows them to get a taste of the MTJGD™ culture and 'sharpen their saw' before returning to the classroom in the fall. Such a valuable training and the cost is AMAZING to train all of your teachers!"
Tracey Wozny
Dance Studio Owner
Marty 1
"Teacher Training has made me feel empowered as a leader to make smart decisions that lead to positive, long lasting results. I have enjoyed collaborating with other teachers, knowing we face similar issues and victories and gaining knowledge in how to teach and lead better."
Heather Rivera
Dance Teacher
Tracey Wozny
"This event is the perfect balance of curriculum, leadership and tactical resources to set up our teachers for the new season. This is such a valuable resource for all of our teachers because it allows them to get a taste of the MTJGD™ culture and 'sharpen their saw' before returning to the classroom in the fall. Such a valuable training and the cost is AMAZING to train all of your teachers!"
Tracey Wozny
Dance Studio Owner

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