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Intellidance® Method Early Years Parent+Me Curriculum and Certification

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Intellidance® is a playful and creative approach to movement and music education in the early years. With a foundation in early childhood development, educational research, and best practices, you can expect every moment of our classes to be FUN…. on purpose!

What sets Intellidance® apart from other early childhood programs is that we connect music AND movement concepts for a holistic, brain-compatible experience. That means students use multiple intelligences to build foundational experiences that lead to skill acquisition and developmental milestone achievement.

Program outcomes:

– Facilitates new community relationships by providing a safe space for families to congregate and make new friends
– Accelerates developmental milestone achievement through exploration, discovery, practice and creation
– Provides an opportunity for new families to find and love dance at your studio first, building loyalty and student retention
– Provides a valuable connection between the importance of dance and its impact on the social/emotional, motor, communication, self-help and cognitive domains

The Intellidance® Early Years Online Dance & Music Teacher Certification Course consists of the following:

Intellidance® Method Foundations Course
Intellidance® Babies Program Course (ages 3-11 months)
Intellidance® Tykes Program Course (ages 12-24 months)
Intellidance® Tots Program Course (ages 2-4 years)
Intellidance® Kids Program Course (ages 3-5 year without caregiver)
All course content will be delivered online via the Intellidance® Method Learning Platform. Learning is self-paced and you will have 1 year to complete your certification.

Teachers who complete their Intellidance® Teacher Certification will also receive Business Resource Downloads including:

Intellidance® Logos
Intellidance® Program Photos
Intellidance® Social Media Posts
Intellidance® Visual Branding Elements

The Intellidance® Early Years Curriculum consists of the following:

Intellidance® Complete Seasonal Curriculum and Lesson Plans for each Early Years Program (Fall, Winter, Spring)
Intellidance® Concept Based Lesson Plans for each Early Years Program
Intellidance® Activity Guides for each Early Years Program
Intellidance® Activity Videos for each Early Years Program
Intellidance® Teaching Resources (Posters, Coloring Sheets, Caregiver Handouts, etc) for each Early Years Program

Curriculum resources will be available on your account upon successful completion of the associated Intellidance® program certification. (e.g. Once you complete the Intellidance® Babies Certification you will have access to the complete Intellidance® Babies Curriculum on your teacher account).



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