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Staffing Success: Establishing a University Internship Program

As studio owners, we have the unique opportunity to cultivate young leaders for the workforce—and not just any workforce but ours, right here in the private dance studio sector. 


We already contribute to young dancers’ success by delivering well-rounded, supportive classes each week. One of the best benefits of our job is the joy we feel watching our students grow and in seeing them become productive members of society. But most dancers’ “in-studio” experience ends at graduation. Even if they have aspirations to teach or work in the industry, they don’t return to the private studio environment until after college, or even later.


At my studio we have bridged this time-gap by partnering with a local university to offer internship opportunities to dance majors. This collaboration has proven to be a great skill-builder for the interns, and, in addition, forged a strong relationship that benefits both my studio and the university.


Building the foundation

I started this university partnership 14 years ago in my studio’s second year of operation. I had been approached by a dance major who wanted an internship at the studio. I had never considered offering something like that, but I was curious about how I could make it happen. The student, her college advisor, and I worked to develop a comprehensive internship program, outlining the commitment and approach, and how students would demonstrate their learning to the university. That one “yes” allowed me to tap into a pool of talented and passionate dance majors eager to gain real-world studio experience. (And that dance major? She became my assistant director.)


The internship experience

This program offers dance majors a unique way to fill the gap between academia and professional practice. Interns learn about the daily operations of a dance studio, obtain practical business and teaching skills, and gain hands-on insights that go far beyond classroom learning. My studio team invests time and effort to mentor and guide the interns through their work experience; university advisors support the interns with regular meetings to ensure program requirements are met. Additionally, the interns must write reports to share what they are learning and in what ways they feel the internship experience is helping them reach their professional goals.


From interns to staff

One of the biggest benefits of an internship program is the young talent that our studio acquires; many interns transition into studio staff members after graduation. After building a relationship with us and absorbing our culture, the studio becomes a logical career progression. Currently, about 90 percent of my staff are graduates of this university’s dance program. It’s made hiring and onboarding new employees a breeze: I am familiar with their strengths, growth areas, and work ethic, and they understand the studio’s operations and expectations.


Beyond the internships

The collaborative relationship between my dance studio and the university has extended beyond internships: members of our staff speak to career development classes, participate in panel discussions, and formally mentor dance majors who don’t participate in internships. Both parties play a mutually vital role in supporting the next generation of dance industry leaders. This relationship with a respected university has also strengthened my studio’s reputation and position as a pillar in the community.


Developing your own internship program

All you have to do to get started is ask! Universities are always looking for opportunities for their students. Your local university may even have the curriculum written for an internship and is just waiting for you to make a move. Even if there’s no dance department, it’s still worth an ask: there may be students in other majors who danced their entire lives and have an interest in business, teaching, or event production. Or there may be adjacent majors—think theater, music, education, or business—that could benefit from an internship program at your studio. 


Start with an open mind, and then open your doors: young leaders brimming with possibilities might just walk through!  

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